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Race Reports


It's coming home. Or is it?


Race 9 of the 17-race RRR Club Championship series was our very own The Royton Trail (TRT) race. We proudly hosted the 17th edition of TRT on Wednesday 10th July. We're now over halfway through the 2024 race series & we had significant milestones, incredible racing, dodgy weather, said goodbye to one of our club runners & England said hello to the Euros.

So, did we perform as well as the England team in their Semi-Final? Did we 'Rob' them? Did we avoid running extra time & did anyone pay the penalty? Who 'Kane'd' it? Was it an 'Ollie Day'? Or am I talking Double Dutch? Lots of runners achieved milestones at this race! Read on to find out who won.

The Royton Trail race was first held on 18th July 2007, with a field of 72 runners. The first race winners were David Lockett (Salford Harriers) & Lisa Heyes (Horwich RMI Harriers). The race has grown in popularity over subsequent years, with 261 finishers this year, when someone recorded a record-breaking 6th TRT victory & Martha Tibbot (Saddleworth Runners) won the ladies' race for the 2nd time, beating the course record she set in 2022. Our 57 finishers are 2 more than last year, with numbers being very similar in all of the last 4 years post-COVID. The record RRR turnout for this (and any) race remains the 103 who took part in 2015. So next year let's turn out in force again.


This race is the best one on the calendar — of course I am biased, as RRR host the race. It is, however, very popular. Just ask Angela Rogowskyj, who has run in this race for 10 consecutive years (she only missed the COVID year). The two Bernards Cassidy & Goodwin, though, have been ever-present at this event & have raced in each of the 17 editions of TRT.

The race route is, well, unique: 10.5K, with hills, lumpy, rocky trails & a bit of road. No doubt this is a tough race; 10.5K doesn't tell the full story. The course, the diverse range of runners, ages, teams & support make this one of the most important races of the season.

The route now starts & finishes at our 'home', Royton Cricket Club. After a short, flattish plod through trees, the hills emerge & we climb for a while. A rocky, muddy path with the smallest bridge you'll find begs the question of going through the stream, allowing an early overtaking opportunity & having wet feet for the rest of the race, or taking the drier route & slowing a little. Then up the trail into the back of Tandle Hill Park with huge trees & huge climbs. Here, it's best to go steady & spike the heart rate as we're still less than a 3rd of the way through. After the steep climbs we then have single-track paths before the usually dusty hidden paths that traverse & straddle the motorway. More lumpy, rocky roads, then respite down a tarmacked track onto Middleton Road before heading back onto the trails for more hills & then the sprint finish onto the cricket pitch. On this occasion, many carried on through the finish & into the bar, as the England team were about to kick off the Euro 24 semi-final against the Netherlands.

The weather wasn't so kind this year. July is supposed to be summer, yet this has been the coldest & wettest for many years, meaning the trails were wet, muddy & slippery in parts. Dark clouds loomed, the air was humid & sticky & when it rained, it was the fine stuff that wets you through. I wore glasses, which was a mistake, as I had hoped it would stay dry. However, without windscreen wipers or a cap, I had to take off my glasses so my vision was compromised - as was my pace (that's my excuse for a poor race). Trail shoes were preferred by many. However some hardened fell runners including our friends from Saddleworth Runners Club, who had an excellent result, wore road shoes & flew around.

It was great to see women's club captain Mandy Richardson back running again. "Great turnout again for our club race. Tail running certainly showed me what a fantastic job all the marshals did, encouraging every runner right through the field. Another successful event for our club; well done everyone, volunteers & runners." It was heartwarming to speak with Mandy after the race as she reflected on those wonderful moments with club runners towards the rear of the field who turned out, had fun, completed this challenging event & supported each other.


So, who won? Running won & so did England. Well, actually, our very own Rob James won in an incredible time of 37:23, beating the 2nd place finisher by 23 seconds. This, remarkably, was Rob's 6th victory here, earning him legendary status. However, further back, there were many intriguing battles & performances. Our mature runners outperformed their rivals & many younger clubmates - June Allingan & David Phillips both competed, completed & won their respective V80 age categories in this very tough race, a remarkable effort from them both as they continue to inspire many. This was Dave's - ready for it - 150th club race! Let that sink in—a true legend & gentleman.

We also had younger age category winners - Andrew Rogers won the MV50 category, celebrating his 25th club race; Mark Heaney was majestic, winning the MV65 category - he showed incredible speed & fortitude as he suffered from cramps near the end but pushed through the pain; David Emanuel again won the MV60s. Well done also to Trish Callan, who was our 1st female finisher of the night.

In addition to Andrew Rogers, James Wright has also now completed 25 club races, while Howard Mills reached his 10th here. Tracey Hall, Ray Williams & Mark Phelan have all completed 50 club races & join the esteemed '50 Club'. We said 'hello' to Michelle Chapman, who ran her 1st club race & followed this up with another 1st - the RRR Beer Walk on Saturday. Jonathan Green looked super-sharp in his new RRR club vest in his 1st race. Welcome also to Damien Finn, joining the white, yellow & green army.

Sadly, we say goodbye to Rochelle Evans. Don't be too upset, though - Rochelle will return as Mrs. Reading after she & Shane get married. We look forward to welcoming Rochelle Reading when she next races.

All the RRR finishing times: Bernadette Ball (1:37:25), Amanda Richardson (1:37:10), Sarah Fitton (1:29:08), June Allingan (1:27:42), Samantha Tattersall (1:25:50), Angela Rogowskyj (1:19:23), Elaine Brown (1:14:56), Helen Parry (1:13:37), Howard Mills (1:13:24), Karen Jones (1:12:39), David Phillips (1:09:39), Paul Cooke (1:08:36), Nicky Hall (1:08:01), Michelle Chapman (1:07:58), Bryony Jones (1:06:22), Sam Wright (1:03:59), Stephen Rogowskyj (1:03:54), Lee Higginbottom (1:03:43), Kevin Hutchings (1:02:56), James Wright (1:02:20), Owen Flage (1:02:09), Eamonn Nolan (1:01:56), Jason Keast (1:01:51), Adam Stirling (1:01:26), Tracey Hall (1:00:20), Ray Williams (59:25), Richard Dowd (58:53), Chris Nicholson (58:42), Bernard Cassidy (56:21), Bryony Rogers (56:14), Gary Smith (55:45), Jonathan Green (55:16), Rochelle Evans (55:13), Lucy Schindler (55:02), Trish Callan (54:40), Simon Howard (54:25), David Emanuel (54:01), Andrew Ingham (53:10), Mark Heaney (52:37), Andy Hall (52:22), Damien Finn (52:01), Mark Phelan (52:01), Neil Brock (50:19), Mark Duncan (50:18), Lee Earnshaw (49:23), Anthony Rogers (48:39), Matt Kershaw (48:38), Edward Grimley (46:46), Bernard Goodwin (46:31), Chris Tattersall (45:37), Brett Spivey (44:23), Shane Reading (42:58), Martin Thompson (42:51), Andrew Rogers (42:25), William Wall (41:12), James Henderson (40:39) and Rob James (37:23).

Finally, thanks to Graham & the What's My Time team for a professional service as ever. Also thanks to Luke Lawson-Healey for more remarkable photos & videos.


Ready for the final part of the race season? See you at Mossley next week for another beautiful local 10K run.  

[Andy Hall]


HYDE 7 - 16th JUNE 2024

Mission - Seek & You Shall Find: only 12 days after our last club championship race, the Cowm 5K, we took a short trip to Tameside for race number 8 - the Hyde 7-miler. This race has only featured in the club championship once before, in 2021. Our 33 finishers this year was significantly more than the 24 on that occasion. Listening to the feedback, many will likely want to see this race become a more permanent fixture.

So did we 'Hyde' in the crowds or seek great results? We witnessed some outstanding performances with age category wins, full Tour finishes (more on that later) & several Personal Best times.

A local running history lesson: the Tour of Tameside was the brainchild of local legend & Olympic athlete Dr. Ron Hill. From 1981 to 2000, the Tour consisted of 6 challenging races spread over a week, covering a total distance of 52 miles, equivalent to a double marathon. It was aptly dubbed 'The Toughest Challenge in British Athletics'. The Tour welcomed hundreds of runners, including elite international athletes, becoming a highlight on the running calendar. The races showcased Tameside's stunning landscape, from urban streets to scenic trails.

After a hiatus, the Tour of Tameside was revived in 2015. Now known simply as 'The Tour' the event became 4 races in 4 days - the X-Trail 10K on Thursday, Hell on the Fell on Friday, the Hero Half Marathon on Saturday & finishing with the Dr. Ron Hyde 7 on Sunday. The spirit of the Tour lives on. Imagine competing in all 4 races! Just ask Kirsty Agnew & Mark Duncan, who can't be separated now & completed the full series this year. What an achievement!

What's the Hyde 7 route Like? Lumpy in places, flat in others, scenic in parts & less so on some roads - you could say it's a Jekyll & Hyde course. It's entirely on pavement & tarmac, so fast & cushioned road shoes were the favoured choice of footwear. It's a diverse 7-mile route (or 11.2K), an odd number for sure. When questioned how to pace the distance, words of wisdom from Dave Emanuel: "Treat it like a 10K & hang on for the last mile." Even Trish Callan chipped in: "The last kilometre is downhill, so just have enough at the end." Wise words, indeed.

The race starts & finishes outside the historic Hyde Town Hall on Market Street, heads uphill for what seems a long time, then flattens out along some scenic roads with more undulations before descending into housing estates, more up & down some hills on the roads, back down the hill into the town centre & on to Hyde Town Hall & the market.

The weather has been kind to us for many races this year. This time? it started with a chill in the air, ideal for racing, but the clouds looked menacing & threatened a huge downpour at any moment. If you finished in under 55 minutes, you'd likely have escaped the torrential rain & hidden under a canopy on the market stalls opposite. However, two-thirds were drenched on their way back to the start/finish line. You might have stayed dry if you'd run faster...

Women's club captain Mandy Richardson said, "Good to see a great turnout again. An unusual distance, so most didn’t know what to expect for pacing. Great running again, even with the downpour, meaning some of us finished soaking wet. I do love seeing so many RRRs at the start." 

More great results: Rob James is flying at the moment and picked up £75 for finishing 2nd overall & 1st in his age group, another fantastic performance; well done Rob. When interviewed on Strava, Rob said, "That felt like a 1st place to me. I ran really, really well & had a battle on my hands all the way round for 2nd place. I just about grabbed it in the end. I'm super proud of that." There was another excellent performance from Barry Greaves, who won his age group, placing 1st out of 11 in the MV65 category with a chip time of 47:05 - he was 4th RRR finisher. Barry seems to be getting younger, or his recent break has re-energised him. Mark Heaney looked great, too, placing 3rd in the same category. David Emanuel placed 2nd out of 24 in the MV60 category. Bernard Cassidy came 4th out of 11 in the MV65s.

This was Kirsty Agnew's 25th club race as she completed the whole Tour. What a remarkable feat. Not going unnoticed was Mark Duncan, who ran 49:04 as he also completed the 4 days. Considering the total distance they had both amassed, that was a seriously impressive achievement. Mark said, "A really tough challenge both physically & mentally but well worth it. Knocked over 45 minutes off my total time from 2 years ago!"

Strava revealed a few PBs too. Chris Tattersall, our mountain goat ultra hill-climbing specialist, seemed to thrive on the tarmac with an "awesome" 10K PB, as did Nicky Hall, who seems to set personal bests at every club race this season.


Here are everyone's finishing times: Bernadette Ball (1:24:33), Samantha Tattersall (1:23:16), Elaine Brown (1:16:59), Susan Heaney (1:16:00), Joanne Lawton (1:14:24), Howard Mills (1:14:20), Nicky Hall (1:10:53), Sharon Dracup (1:10:32), Amanda Richardson (1:08:25), Sam Wright (1:06:03), Karen Price (1:05:05), Jason Keast (1:04:32), James Wright (1:01:12), Chris Nicholson (1:00:43), Kirsty Agnew (1:00:28), Richard Dowd (58:10), Gareth McCaffery (56:04), Gail Shaw (55:29), Bernard Cassidy (54:00), Trish Callan (53:58), Mark Heaney (53:47), Bryan Lawton (53:14), Mark Phelan (52:54), David Emanuel (51:59), Andy Hall (51:16), Dave Peart (50:58), Oliver Pozegic (50:43), Neil Brock (49:43), Mark Duncan (49:04), Barry Greaves (47:05), Brett Spivey (46:30), Chris Tattersall (44:55) and Rob James (38:29)

Well done to everyone for turning out in such numbers, enduring the weather & representing our amazing club. Next stop we host our very own The Royton Trail race. Please make sure you've signed up for this, as we aim to smash more records in terms of times & club numbers on 10th July. However, before then, we have our Dawn 'til Dusk this weekend. The plan is to have RRRs running in club attire every hour on the hour (some clockwise, some anti-clockwise) starting at 5am, with the last runners going at 8pm. We will use the usual 4.5-mile loop, taking in Thornham Lane & Thornham New Road, starting at The Hopwood Arms again. Donations are, of course, optional, but let’s support our charity of the year Dr Kershaw's Hospice. And then at the end of the month, for a number of us,  there's the small matter of Endure 24 at Leeds.  [Andy Hall]



Race number 7 in the RRR Club Championships, the Cowm (reservoir) 5K. With another huge turnout from the club, the race was fantastic & 2 local athletes served up a nail-biting finish. But who won?

This was our 2nd 5K club race of the season, a popular choice among local runners for its unique blend of natural beauty & warm local welcome. The club's turnout was amazing, with almost half of the runners proudly representing Royton Road Runners. Our club continues to make waves with our large numbers & remarkable results across all age groups, a testament to our collective strength & camaraderie. More importantly, the event raised funds for Springhill Hospice in Rochdale.

We clinched several age group wins & 'special achievement' awards, delivered exceptional performances & the finish was epic. However, what left a real impression was the sight of our club members, adorned in their distinctive white, green & yellow vests & shirts, descending upon Whitworth, a true testament to our club's spirit & unity. However, Ang Rogowskyj did overhear someone ask, "Where's Royton?". How dare you? They found out at the end where we're from & that we dominated. Our 63 finishers was the highest number of any club & the most we've had in this event - the previous best total in a race hosted by Whit'th Whippets was 48 in 2022 (although we have had more in previous Cowm races organised by Andy O'Sullivan). This year our attendance here has only been beaten by the 1st race of the season, the Stockport Daffodil 10K, a much bigger event - plus Cowm sold out a while ago.

Why is this race so popular? Well, it's super local, only 8 miles from Royton. It's low-key, with only 134 finishers here. It's a flat(ish) scenic course & cheap as chips at only £5, including butties at the end of the race. Also, being a 5K, it's all over in under an hour for everyone. It's as good as it gets.

The weather was yet again kind to us. It was not especially warm but dry, with little wind, nearly ideal for racing. Race HQ is at a classic local pub, the Cock & Magpie, with only a short walk up to the start line around the corner. The surface is a combination of footpath & light trail, so road or well-cushioned trail shoes were a wise choice. It's a cosy start, with all runners huddled together on a narrow lane, which means plenty of friendly jostling to find a position in the first few hundred metres. Then a sharp left uphill, which many race up. However, most agree the best strategy is to start steady without spiking heart rates & ease into the race as the route flattens out past the water sports centre & along the path beside the reservoir to our left. Then we accelerate anticlockwise around the reservoir over a bridge & back to the sports centre for lap 2. The end is a return to the start point, so a sharp right turn & descent downhill. So those who had something left in the tank legged it on the edge of a faceplant down to the finish.

The race at the head of the field was truly epic, with local legends Michael Mannings (Oldham & Royton Harriers) & our own Rob James (running his 75th club race) battling it out for the win. Ultimately, Rob was victorious with just a 4-second gap over Michael. Huge well done, Rob!

There were so many incredible performances, but we have to narrow them down again. It was the 1st club race for Elaine Davies & Edward Grimley - welcome to our club, guys! As well as Rob James, (our) Lee Higginbottom completed his 75th race for the club. Special mentions to Sarah Tomassi & Gail Shaw for winning their age categories (Sarah had no idea until I messaged her) & Maisie Wainright for being the 1st female finisher for the club. It was great to see Susan Heaney, Jason Keast, Tracey Hall, Trish Callan & Mark Heaney return for their 1st club championship race of the season. They all did exceptionally well.

Many were surprised to see Nicky & Andy Hall at the race, having returned from the Uganda Marathon just a day earlier. Nicky got her 5K race PB & Andy was close to his, so there were no signs of fatigue for them. Special recognition went to our octogenarian runners, June Allingan & Dave Phillips, who defy the ageing process. They continue to impress & inspire many.

So who won? We all did, of course! All RRR finishers: June Allingan (39:59), Bernadette Ball (36:29), Hasna Budsworth (35:16), Samantha Tattersall (34:51), Susan Heaney (34:10), Gill Bardsley (32:52), Angela Rogowskyj (32:44), Dave Bardsley (32:33), Jenny O'Callaghan (32:07), Karen Jones (31:43), Elaine Brown (31:40), Dawn Speed (31:38), Howard Mills (31:01), David Phillips (30:25), Joanne Lawton (30:17), Rachel Chadwick (30:07), Billie Chamberlain (30:06), Nicky Hall (29:41), Sharon Dracup (29:25), Amanda Richardson (29:21), Elaine Davies (28:53), Andrew Naismith (28:34), Bryony Jones (28:28), Karen Price (28:06), Kevin Hutchings (27:10), Lee Higginbottom (26:39), Stephen Rogowskyj (26:25), Jason Keast (26:21), Gary Smith (26:11), Tracey Hall (25:53), Trish Callan (25:04), Richard Dowd (24:54), Gail Shaw (24:30), Dave Watt (24:25), Kirsty Agnew (24:19), Lucy Schindler (24:14), Bernard Cassidy (24:10), Chris Nicholson (24:02), Eamonn Nolan (23:53), Gareth McCaffery (23:41), Rochelle Evans (23:30), Bryony Rogers (23:26), Mark Heaney (23:19), David Emanuel (22:49), Simon Howard (22:36), Bryan Lawton (22:25), Sarah Tomassi (21:52), Andrew Ingham (21:51), Oliver Pozegic (21:48), Neil Brock (21:39), Matt Kershaw (21:37), Andy Hall (21:36), John Fay (21:24), Edward Grimley (21:16), Maisie Wainwright (21:10), Anthony Rogers (20:47), Elliot Stone (20:36), Mark Duncan (20:30), Bernard Goodwin (20:22), Chris Tattersall (20:00), Andrew Rogers (18:55), Shane Reading (18:17) & Rob James (16:38).

Many thanks to Luke Lawson-Healey, whose photography is as good as his running, which is really saying something. Also to Whit'th Whippets for hosting us, especially Lindsay Noble Hurst for her hard work in making this event a massive success.

The next stop is a short trip to Tameside for race number 8 of the season, the Hyde 7, on Sunday 16th June, which is Father's Day. So plenty of time to smash out a local PB & return home in time for England's opening match of the Euros against Serbia. "Come on Royton".  [Andy Hall]



With Andy & Nicky Hall away in Uganda on international duty, other RRRs preparing for ultra runs in the fells & some runners deciding to take part in the half marathon, the numbers of club members present at the 10K was lower than normal, with 32 participating in this latest club race.

The Great Manchester Run 10K is a mass participation event with runners setting off in waves, which made it difficult to gather for a team photo & to spot the famous green & yellow club vests during the race. The nature of running in waves also meant that club runners may be separated from colleagues so it had a 'time trial' feel with people running 'against the clock'.

With runners starting at various times of day I took advantage of my 1:40 start & had a lie-in before taking the Metro from Derker into Manchester. As I got off the Metrolink in St Peters Square I felt my adrenaline begin to flow as I saw crowds of people in various club kits, fancy dress or just normal every day shorts & T-shirts. I spotted Luke Lawson-Healey & Maisie Wainwright & said a quick hello. The weather forecast suggested the race would take place in a major downpour so I had a full change of clothes & was heading to the bag drop, whilst Luke & Maisie had supporters who were bringing a kit bag to the finish line. I dropped my bag off at the G-Mex & watched the rain fall as I waited in the foyer with James Wright, trying to stay dry for as long as possible. We discussed the the logistics of planning races & reflected on the organisation that must go into this event.

As we walked from the bag drop towards the race start we were joined by Neil Brock, as well as Bryony & Andrew Rogers. The rain increased in intensity & we took shelter in Turtle Bay. Other runners had the same idea & non-runners in the venue looked confused as they ate their breakfasts. As we toyed with the idea of getting a breakfast & giving the race a miss, Dave Peart arrived seeking directions for the bag drop.

The weather improved from heavy rain to a pleasant light drizzle as we headed into the race pens. Luke was in the pen ahead of me & was in awe of being so close to the international elite athletes. I was in awe of the people around me as well & I thought I shouldn't be at the start of my pen. Andrew Rogers & I chatted about sports nutrition & super-shoes, which helped to calm my nerves - I noticed that some runners in the pen had a steely look of determination on their faces.

The race began & within the 1st kilometer Andrew Rogers & the determined people had left me; it wasn't long before Wesley Henshaw & the 40-minute pacers would pass me too. The out-&-back nature of the course meant that I was able to see fellow club members who had set off in different waves. It was encouraging to see Dave Watt & Ronnie Quinn both running strong. There were lot of people from the local running community in attendance - I saw former RRR Phil Austin around 4K with his police colleagues. He shouted words of encouragement; I thought that was the 1st time & hopefully the last that I have run away from a police officer...

There was lots of music & plenty of singers on the route. I could hear the sound of the band Busted at the 3K point & wasn't sure which was more painful - listening to Busted or running all-out at my maximum pace! 
During the run I laughed at 2 drag queens singing around the 5K mark & then wondered if the lady singing Queen's Don't Stop Me Now at the 7K mark was taking part in a karaoke competition. My other thought was perhaps she had been singing all morning and her voice was fading.

My pace faded during the last mile & I could feel myself slowing down as I saw the '800m to go' sign, The noise was immense as I entered the final stretch on Deansgate. Maisie Wainwright was hot on my heels & we crossed the line within a second of each other. We walked down towards the T-shirt & goody-bag station together, both struggling to get our breath back.  

The relatively flat course & the pace set by other athletes seemed to help RRRs find an extra gear - I counted a total of 6 club members recording PBs, including recent joiner Rachel Chadwick in her 1st club race, along with Billie Chamberlain, Gareth McCaffery, Gail Shaw, Bryony Rogers & Brett Spivey. Although I didn't see him at the event the results indicate that Brett was a tantalising 4 seconds away from breaking the 40-minute mark. Wes Henshaw crossed the line in a similar time to Brett in 40:09, which he stated on Strava was a course PB.


All RRR finishers: Rachel Chadwick (1:30:14), Peter Boulton (1:15:19), Ronnie Quinn (1:15:18), Martin Thompson (1:11:29), Bernadette Ball (1:10:15), Elaine Brown (1:08:55), Gill Bardsley (1:04:43), Dave Bardsley (1:04:37), Howard Mills (1:02:56), Billie Chamberlain (1:02:36), Bryony Jones (1:02:33), Karen Jones (1:02:33), Sharon Dracup (1:00:24), Dave Watt (56:46), Karen Price (55:13), James Wright (52:58), James Moulton (49:52), Bryony Rogers (49:29), Gary Smith (48:18), Gareth McCaffery (48:01), Gail Shaw (47:51), Andrew Ingham (47:18), Dave Peart (44:50), Mark Baxendale (44:14), Neil Brock (43:38), Maisie Wainwright (43:32), John Fay (43:31), Wesley Henshaw (40:09), Brett Spivey (40:04), Andrew Rogers (37:58), Luke Lawson-Healey (36:46) & Rob James (33:48).

With the football season coming to an end, Rob James' Strava showed images of the FA Cup trophy being lifted by Bruno Fernandes. Mark Baxendale had placed 3rd in the RRR Fantasy Football League & completed his 3rd fastest 10K here according to Strava, whilst  Andrew Ingham - although not doing well with the fantasy football - continued his run of consistent race performances. With Dave & Gill Bardsley completing their 5th race in 4 weeks it looks like they are working to break their own record of the number of races they have taken part in a year. As any runner will tell you, racing is addictive!

The RRR race season is now in full swing. With lots of races to strive for & opportunities to make special memories with friends & family, the summer is going to be immense! The next race is the Cowm Reservoir 5K & I can't wait!  [John Fay]


RRR TRACK 5K - 15th MAY 2024

This was race number 5 of this season's club championship & a brilliant one. It's only the 4th time we've held this unique event, 1st in September 2022 then the 2 events last year. Judging by the turnout & results, it's clear why it's so popular. This latest version was completely sold out, with just 1 non-RRR able to join us. 

So, what is so appealing about this event? As a club, we've increasingly diversified from just road running into a more all-around running club incorporating trail, fell & cross-country races, plus now running on the track. The results are clear - many of our members have dramatically improved their times due to changing up their training & competing at track events. 


This 5K track race took place at Radclyffe School, where many of us train on a Tuesday evening with interval sessions suitable for all. The 400m track was recently resurfaced & is grippy, light & bouncy. It's a great place to develop form & technique, ideal for upping the pace & improving run form. 


This event appeals to many because all club members encourage & support one another before & during the runs, with chip timing professionally recorded along with a detailed printout afterwards showing lap times & even a YouTube link in the results of each individual's finish & the whole race. All for only £8 - it's a steal. 


The faster runners, sub-24 minutes, went first at 7pm, with the next group at 7:35pm. The weather was perfect. Temperatures have risen now that we're in summer. Although it was overcast, it didn't rain until our final finishers had completed their 12.5 laps. That number of laps of a track sounds boring to some. However, you are never more than a few metres away from a clubmate with opportunities to lap or be lapped & receive words of encouragement throughout the whole race. Bonus - you cannot get lost on a 400m track. All you need to do is count. Even then, Graham gives a countdown for each runner's final laps. The atmosphere is simply fantastic.   


There were some truly outstanding performances on the evening, with many PBs broken at the 1 mile, 2 mile & 5K distances. Ladies Captain Mandy Richardson said: "There was a good turnout, great performances & it was lovely to see some doing their 1st RRR track race. Well done, everyone." Men's Captain James Henderson commented too: "Always a fantastic opportunity to fully support each other running - cheering from on & off the track - it's like the best school sports day but for adults."


Some notable performances & milestones: it was the 1st club event for Lucy Schindler; well done, Lucy. Meanwhile Kevin Hutchings & Dave Watt completed their 50th club runs, while Nicky & Andy Hall both finished their 25th with PBs ahead of their Ugandan adventure. 

Track racing is not just for juniors & elites - our more mature runners continue to inspire. Dave Phillips (MV80) & June Allingan (FV80) both competed with incredible efforts - June just days after running the Leeds Marathon. Bernadette Ball, now a FV70, was exceptional as was Howard Mills (MV70). Club legend Barry Greaves (MV65) recorded his 1st sub-20 minute 5K for a couple of years; yes, you read that right. 

All RRR finishing times: June Allingan (38:45), Dave Leyland (38:06), Samantha Tattersall (33:45), Bernadette Ball (33:32), Gill Bardsley (32:15), Angela Rogowskyj (31:49), Elaine Brown (31:11), Dave Bardsley (31:03), David Phillips (30:45), Howard Mills (29:48), Billie Chamberlain (29:36), Joanne Lawton (29:24), Nicky Hall (29:24), Sharon Dracup (29:04), Diane Johnson (28:37), Karen Price (28:28), Amanda Richardson (27:47), Lee Higginbottom (27:39), Stephen Rogowskyj (26:51), Dave Watt (26:16), Kevin Hutchings (25:14), Gareth McCaffery (24:34), Lucy Schindler (24:33), Gary Smith (24:33), Gail Shaw (24:00), Chris Nicholson (23:46), Kirsty Agnew (23:37), Bernard Cassidy (23:25), Rochelle Evans (22:41), Bryan Lawton (22:17), Dave Peart (21:56), Simon Howard (21:51), Andrew Ingham (21:47), Mark Phelan (21:41), David Emanuel (21:24), Oliver Pozegic (21:07), John Fay (21:06), Lee Earnshaw (20:56), Adrian Brown (20:42), Mark Duncan (20:28), Andy Hall (20:21), Wesley Henshaw (19:57), Barry Greaves (19:33), Chris Tattersall (19:24), Brett Spivey (19:17), Andrew Rogers (18:19), Paul Timms (18:06), Martin Thompson (17:59), James Henderson (17:53), William Wall (17:22) & Rob James (16:00).


There were some funny moments, such as the surprise on Jo Lawton's face when Nicky Hall (her ex-running friend) sprinted at the end to pip her on the finish line. You've got to see the video. The photo of Mark Duncan & Kirsty Agnew (see below) deserves some (clean) suggestions for a caption. 


Thanks to the organising team for a fantastic session, to Graham & Julie from WhatsMyTime & everyone who participated in a tremendous event. Shout out to Luke Lawson-Healey for his brilliant photography & a slow-motion video, all of which can be seen on the RRR Facebook page. 


Our next club race is the Manchester 10K, a massive event with thousands of runners. Let's hope the weather is kind and conducive for brilliant performances & superb fun for all. Look out for the race report from John Fay (thanks John).  [Andy Hall]


CONISTON 14 - 23rd MARCH 2024

Coniston - the Bluebird returns & so did the white, yellow, & green fun bus as we headed to the Lake District for a 14-mile race only 6 days after our last event at High Legh. This season has already seen some outstanding individual performances, with many personal best times. However, it is the club's reputation & camaraderie that stand out to others. So what did our day out in the country's most beautiful area bring?    


There were 40 RRR finishers, maintaining an impressive turnout at this year's races. This was our first time at Coniston as a replacement for Dent, and it worked well; our attendance for the Dentdale Run hadn't reached that level since 2017. 


A little about the Coniston 14. It has been a beloved spring event in the village of Coniston since its inception in 1982. Organised by an enthusiastic committee of volunteers from the village, this race holds a special place in the hearts of locals & runners, including RRR. 14 miles is an odd number, marginally longer than a half marathon & on this course it felt even longer due to the undulating profile of the route.

The Coniston 14 is not just a race; it’s also Coniston’s largest annual community event. Over £20,000 is raised yearly from the race, benefiting approximately 30 local charities & clubs. It’s a testament to the spirit of giving that defines this remarkable event.


Described as one of Britain's most beautiful road races, it's hard to argue with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains & the famous lake to our left throughout. The race begins & ends at John Ruskin School & playing field. When runners were asked during & after the race, everyone commented on how stunning the race route was. Nicky Hall even stopped en route to capture atmospheric images of Coniston Water, sacrificing the chance of another personal best time. However this is not a route for racing. There are literally no flat sections; you either climb or descend. A few commented on how tough it was. But going to race misses the point - it's an event to be enjoyed. 


The weather is often a key factor & was somewhat changeable, typical of Cumbria in spring. We had rain, wind, sun & even some hail. Despite a chilly start, the long uphill section at the beginning ensured heart rates spiked, increasing the perceived heat. It was definitely a day for wearing layers.    


Our women's club captain, Mandy, agreed: "Another great turnout for the fun bus to Coniston. A tough route made harder by the weather with rain, sleet, sun & wind. Amazing performances again & added kudos to those out longer in those conditions. Happy to complete a first long run of the year for me."

Our men's captain James Henderson also praised our participants: "To quote John Ruskin, the famed son of Coniston, ’there’s no such thing as bad weather, just a different type of good weather’. On a morning that not only gave us the gift of wind & rain we also got hail - throughout this our runners, unsurprisingly, did impressively well; battling the elements we shone again & again - over glorious hill after glorious hill the RRR train kept rolling. Thankfully our loop was quicker than the 23 years it took the Bluebird to return to Coniston - well done to each & every one for getting over the line. The Road Runners have done it again."


What a time to visit Coniston, only 2 weeks after the Bluebird returned. This proved a perfect opportunity for club members to head to the Ruskin Museum after the race, followed by a post-race drink & bite to eat. 


History lesson: the Bluebird holds a storied place in history, its legacy intertwined with the serene waters of Coniston. Once piloted by Donald Campbell, this iconic hydroplane soared across Coniston Water in pursuit of speed records, 300mph in a boat. Tragically, 57 years ago, Campbell lost his life in a crash during one of these daring attempts. The wreckage of Bluebird lay submerged until 2001, when it was painstakingly recovered by Tyneside engineer Bill Smith, whose dedication led to the craft’s resurrection. After a legal battle, Bluebird has found its rightful home at Coniston’s Ruskin Museum. 


Back to the race & there was no team silverware this time. However, Paul Timms & Men's Captain James Henderson took 1st and 2nd place respectively out of 64 in the MV45 category. Maisie Wainwright, who crossed the line with Luke Lawson-Healy, was our 1st-placed female finisher in 1:45:23 & 14th out of 150 in the women's open category. Jarrod Gritt was our 1st finisher & 13th overall with an incredible 1:21:50. It was also great to see Sam Wright run her 1st club race of the season.


In news from Strava...Angela Rogowskyj said, "Phew, phew & phew"; Karen Jones seemed pleased with her coaster, while Bryony Jones was "far too happy to see alpacas during the race". Howard Mills earned 10 mile & 15K personal best times. Kirsty Agnew increased her run streak to 72 days & despite a fall at mile 9 managed to smile all the way. 

Adam Stirling said, "Some race that." Mark Duncan commented, "Slight risk running today, but I’m glad I did. Next stop, Liverpool; I was never in doubt!!" He had a great day with an unofficial half marathon PB (Stockport measured short). Oliver Pozegic continued to improve, finishing just 27 seconds off his Stockport Trail Half PB on a much tougher course. Next up for him is the Manchester Marathon - good luck, Oliver. 

All the RRR finishing times: Angela Rogowskyj (2:54:49), Amanda Welby (2:51:00), Hasna Budsworth (2:50:57), Howard Mills (2:47:29), Elaine Brown (2:42:51), Nicky Hall (2:40:31), Stephen Rogowskyj (2:38:27), Bryony Jones (2:33:30), Karen Jones (2:33:30), Dawn Speed (2:29:50), Diane Johnson (2:27:54), Sam Wright (2:26:27), Amanda Richardson (2:22:53), James Wright (2:20:09), Owen Flage (2:14:39), Gareth McCaffery (2:11:00), Ray Williams (2:09:18), Bernard Cassidy (2:08:54), Andy Hall (2:05:21), Eamonn Nolan (2:04:28), Kirsty Agnew (2:02:30), Gail Shaw (1:59:52), Gary Smith (1:56:32), Neil Brock (1:56:04), Adam Stirling (1:55:50), Simon Howard (1:54:53), Mark Duncan (1:48:31), Dave Peart (1:47:34), David Emanuel (1:45:48), Luke Lawson-Healey (1:45:23), Maisie Wainwright (1:45:23), Oliver Pozegic (1:44:15), Elliot Stone (1:41:15), Bernard Goodwin (1:39:59), Adrian Brown (1:38:09), Wesley Henshaw (1:35:59), Brett Spivey (1:35:52), James Henderson (1:26:31), Paul Timms (1:24:33) & Jarrod Gritt (1:21:50).


Thanks to the social committee, especially Natali Brown, for arranging the coach & commandeering the room in the Black Bull pub, an excellent choice. 


A personal story & message from your reporter: it was a poignant day for me. I had been feeling low because of a recurring ankle injury. Running is my anti-depressant; my mood drops when I can't perform, I put too much pressure on myself & sometimes miss the most obvious lessons. So I decided to run at a very steady pace to minimise the risk of further damage. A fellow Ironman finisher spotted the ink on my calf & we started a conversation; then there were 3 of us, then 4 & then 5 of us chatting & sharing stories. This kept my thoughts from my pain. Then, around 3 miles from the end of the race, I spotted a man wearing a Prostate Cancer vest. My father passed away from prostate cancer; it will be his birthday in 3 days. My brother currently has prostate cancer & recently had an operation. So this runner attracted my attention. 

"Are you fundraising?" I asked. 

"No, I'm celebrating," he replied. 

"Oh really, celebrating what?"

"It's 12 months today since my operation." 

"And you're running a 14-mile race already?"

I put my arm around him & with a lump in my throat & a heart full of gratitude, I asked him for a favour. My pain instantly disappeared & I clocked my fastest miles of the race, feeling free & fully alive. I waited patiently for David & we embraced at the end, tears of joy streaming down my face. David then recorded a message of hope for my brother Terry. 

Moments like this remind us that humans are incredible & love is all we need. Racing is unimportant, but kindness & hope are forever & can save lives. My brother was so grateful for the 30-second video & I will remain in contact with David, who, for me, was the runner of the day. Don't forget to enjoy the journey; the destination is inevitable. 


Our next club race is the 5K timed track event at Radclyffe - my happy place - on 15th May. Before that, however, there's the small matter of the Manchester Marathon on 14th April. It is a huge day for the many club members taking part, not to mention those working at the RRR drinks station. Good luck to all of our runners - maximise your taper. We look forward to seeing you there.   [Andy Hall]


HIGH LEGH 10K - 17th MARCH 2024

Mission - Gold. 
Our 3rd club race & 2nd 10K of the season saw the white, green & yellow of RRR travel south-west to High Legh on St Patrick's Day. This is the 1st time we've used this event in the calendar & it's easy to see why Runner's World recommends it. 


History: the race was initially run in 2008 & has gained in popularity, with the number of entrants growing from 200 to 650. A little about High Legh (pronounced 'Hi Lee' - more about him later) - it is a small village between Knutsford & Warrington in Cheshire East, south-west of Manchester. It is mainly agricultural & its proximity to Manchester & the area now known as 'Gold Trafford' has made it a desirable residential area. The event is known locally as the Robert Moffat Memorial Race to commemorate their most famous character, a Scottish gardener turned Congregationalist missionary who relocated to southern Africa with his wife in 1816 after joining the London Missionary Society.


Race on! Weather can be changeable this time of year. However nature was kind to us again as it was close to ideal conditions, except for a brief shower at the start. The temperature was a balmy 13c with no noticeable wind. 


What is the High Legh 10K Robert Moffat Memorial Race route like? It's mainly flat - some would say undulating; in Cheshire they call it hilly. We'd call it pan flat, though. It runs around some stunning homes & then into country lanes & paths. It would be considered a fast PB course if it wasn't for the unpopular mud section at 8K. Many bemoaned this 100-metre section as a real energy drain on the legs & felt it ruined their chances. John 'O'Fay', one of many cursing the slippery section, was seconds away from a PB. Lee Earnshaw said before the race, yet again, "This isn't a PB course for me." Or was it? Ady Brown commented, "Few seconds lost on the 100m or so of mud." Even Rob James, who achieved his 3rd fastest 10K of 33:30 in finishing 2nd overall, said, "Very close to a PB, but then the course went through a muddy field, so the PB was off. A very strong effort though, and I'm currently in great form." He sure is. 


Another huge turnout (we were the second-best represented club at the event, with 43 RRRs completing the race out of 516 finishers) with memorable moments - it was a special day for a few. Angela Rogowskyj even ran in shorts for the first time this year, flaunting her pins to the locals. It was the 1st race in the MV80 category for Dave Phillips, who looked at least 10 years younger as he won his category in an impressive 1:04:10. Ronnie Quinn, however, was not amused when asked about his chances in that category; how rude, Ronnie is a spritely 70-something. Another 1st for Andrew Ingham, who had his debut sports massage pre-race; he looked stiff as a board, to begin with, yet his smile suggested he somewhat enjoyed the experience at the hands of Samantha. Yours truly stepped up for Press Officer duties with a brief slot on Mix FM Cheshire. I was 'nominated' (thanks, guys) to be interviewed alongside 2 other runners from Lymm & Spectrum. The things I do for our club... 


RRR Ladies Captain Mandy Richardson returned positively from injury & commented, "It's always good to do a totally new race & the club turned out in force for this one. With a lovely countryside course, slightly undulating & a warm day, the club put in some amazing performances. Happy to go under an hour after injury, so onwards & upwards." 


Rochelle Evans was our 1st female finisher, Shane Reading came 3rd out of 87 in the M50 category & David Emanuel was 3rd out of 36 in the M60s. It was also great to welcome Karen Jones back to a club event. She seems to enjoy running in posh Cheshire, as her last championship race was the Colshaw Hall 10K in 2021.   


Strava unearthed some PBs - well done to Karen Price, for a 10K & 5K PB in the same race, finished in exactly 1 hour; Billie Chamberlain (a 10K & 2 mile PB); Howard Mills (10K & 5K PB); Mark Phelan (10K "finally under 45 minutes") & Bryony Rogers. Lee Earnshaw did actually achieve his 10K PB!

All the RRR finishing times: Bernadette Ball (1:20:05), Hasna Budsworth (1:14:02), Angela Rogowskyj (1:07:15), Dave Bardsley (1:06:18), Elaine Brown (1:04:58), Nicky Hall (1:04:48), Jenny O'Callaghan (1:04:36), Ronnie Quinn (1:03:57), David Phillips (1:03:23), Claire Timms (1:03:02), Karen Jones (1:03:02), Billie Chamberlain (1:02:38), Howard Mills (1:02:07), Bryony Jones (1:01:36), Sharon Dracup (1:00:35), Karen Price (1:00:03), Amanda Richardson (58:51), Stephen Rogowskyj (57:54), James Wright (56:58), Andrew Naismith (53:31), Ray Williams (51:19), Bryony Rogers (50:48), Richard Dowd (50:38), Gary Smith (50:32), Kirsty Agnew (50:13), Bernard Cassidy (49:54), Adam Stirling (48:30), Eamonn Nolan (47:42), Rochelle Evans (47:23), Bryan Lawton (46:55), Andy Hall (45:23), Mark Phelan (44:57), David Emanuel (44:54), Andrew Ingham (44:45), John Fay (43:32), Lee Earnshaw (43:08), Neil Brock (42:47), Dave Peart (42:34), Adrian Brown (41:42), Andrew Rogers (41:09), Wesley Henshaw (41:06), Shane Reading (36:35) & Rob James (33:30).


Thanks to our (un)official photographer, Mark Duncan, who wisely chose to rest his recent injury but still supported the club. 


High Legh was a replacement for the Trafford 10K, which was originally included in the club race calendar but sold out faster than predicted. Well done to Elliot Stone (41:56), Gail Shaw (48:54), Andy Chadwick (57:32), Jill Hickson (1:01:50) & Hasna Budsworth (1:06:25), who represented the club at Trafford & whose times count towards club championship points. 


Only 3 races into the season the club, our incredible athletes & our legendary camaraderie continue to receive accolades. Let's continue to inspire one another regardless of ability, age, or experience & fly the white, yellow & green for Royton. Next stop - all aboard the happy bus to Coniston for the 14-miler on Saturday, described as 'probably the most beautiful road race in Britain'.  [Andy Hall]



We kicked off the year with a bang in January & our 2nd club race this month marked a spectacular return to Stockport - or more specifically Marple, the posh part - for an early-season half marathon.

It was another Stockport takeover, and our jolly green, white & yellow army left other local clubs in awe. Overheard comments ranged from "I needed sunglasses, there are so many of you lot" to "You're never more than a few feet away from a Royton Road Runner" courtesy of Lee Earnshaw, who had us giggling & smashed his half marathon PB. More about the results later.

After our triumph at the Daffodil 10K, the burning question was: could our club & individuals recreate the collective success from that fantastic start to the season, boasting numerous PBs & clinching the team prize? Well the short answer is a resounding yes & we even managed to surpass the brilliant achievements of last month. An amazing 47 RRRs completed this
race, the most we've had in a half marathon since 57 at the Wrexham Village Bakery Half in 2018, with not far off a clean sweep of the team & individual prizes.

So what's the Stockport Trail Half Marathon route like? It's trail, captain, but not as we know it. The terrain is trail & towpath, a relatively flat panhandle. Conditions underfoot were good, mostly solid, so grippy road shoes were the preference for most. Had it rained, it may have been a different story.

Many hadn't run this race previously, so it was a relatively unknown course & conditions. A chilly start, frost overnight & frozen cars, led some to don dryrobes (ask Amanda Welby what they're really called). The portaloos at registration were so frozen they wouldn't flush, a real challenge for those needing a number 1 or, worse, number 2. Karen Rush & Kay England looked ill at the aroma.

More team prizes! Based on the performance of our first 3 finishers, we proudly claimed prizes for both the ladies & men. A big shoutout to Janet Jobey, Kirsty Agnew & Rochelle Evans, plus major respect to Rob James (our race winner!), Jarrod Gritt (securing 3rd overall) & James Henderson (a captain's performance in 6th place overall).

A massive round of applause too for our newcomers, noteworthy results & those reaching milestones. Wesley Henshaw & Gavin Welsh both completed their 1st RRR club race, while Karen Rush & Samantha Tattersall ran their 10th, Kay England her 25th & Rochelle Evans reached an impressive 125. There were age category awards for James Henderson (1st MV45), Shane Reading (1st MV50), Bernard Goodwin (1st MV55), Barry Greaves (1st MV65), David Emanuel (1st MV60) & Janet Jobey (1st FV50 & our 1st female finisher). Gail Shaw was 2nd FV55 despite using this race as part of an 18-mile training run!

There were many outstanding results - here are some PBs spotted in the RRR Strava group: Nicky Hall & super-proud husband Andy Hall, Gavin Welsh, Lee Earnshaw (another 1/2 marathon best by about 3 minutes), Oliver Pozegic, Mark Baxendale (a sensibly run race), Anthony Rogers (GB Ultras Ambassador, if you haven't heard), Mark 'another PB' Duncan (a massive 12-minute half marathon improvement) & Jarrod Gritt. Interestingly, Gail Shaw, Janet Jobey & Kevin Hutchings all commented, "Happy with that."

Our Men's Captain, James Henderson, was buzzing about a 4th consecutive win for our men's team. He beamed, "The canal section was one hell of a grind today - the terrain underfoot changed & miles 6 through to 10 were not ideal for road runners. What RRR showed today is that of the 47 club members that accepted the challenge, 47 passed with full marks. The success of every club runner today was not just turning up but turning up & carrying on. Club strength pulled us through. Keep on keeping on."


All the RRR finishing times: Samantha Tattersall (2:58:18), Angela Rogowskyj (2:40:26), Kay England (2:38:41), Amanda Welby (2:37:31), Nicky Hall (2:26:56), Karen Rush (2:24:18), Stephen Rogowskyj (2:20:29), Dawn Speed (2:19:33), Diane Johnson (2:14:14), Gareth McCaffery (2:11:59), Richard Dowd (2:02:48), Kevin Hutchings (1:58:05), Gavin Welsh (1:55:20), Gail Shaw (1:54:16), Gary Smith (1:51:38), Rochelle Evans (1:50:52), Kirsty Agnew (1:50:50), Simon Howard (1:50:12), Bernard Cassidy (1:47:30), Neil Brock (1:46:35), Andrew Ingham (1:46:21), Andy Hall (1:44:28), Mark Phelan (1:40:50), Janet Jobey (1:40:48), David Emanuel (1:40:32), Lee Earnshaw (1:40:32), Oliver Pozegic (1:38:46), Carl O'Callaghan (1:38:23), Mark Baxendale (1:37:50), Anthony Rogers (1:37:07), John Fay (1:36:51), Barry Greaves (1:36:23), Dave Peart (1:35:52), Andrew Rogers (1:34:30), Elliot Stone (1:34:12), Bernard Goodwin (1:34:09), Adrian Brown (1:32:59), James Moulton (1:32:56), Chris Tattersall (1:32:37), Mark Duncan (1:29:32), Wesley Henshaw (1:27:58), Luke Lawson-Healey (1:27:49), Shane Reading (1:24:02), Paul Timms (1:21:02), James Henderson (1:20:50), Jarrod Gritt (1:14:25) & Rob James (1:13:52).

There are so many to thank for this race. The organisers, Crazy Legs, for a warm welcome, even when cleaning frozen poo. The volunteer marshals, especially super-smiley Hasna. Also a personal thanks to John Fay for lending me his jacket as I shivered at the end of the race.

Next up we head back down south, Cheshire, to the High Legh 10K as recommended in Runner’s World;
reportedly a quick route. Will you be wearing club colours? Will the green, white & yellow army be dominant again? I can't wait until 17th March to find out.

Come on Royton!  [Andy Hall] 



It was déjà vu to see the same RRRs that had run our previous cross-country race at Marl Pits in January. Anthony Rogers, Andy Hall, Lee Earnshaw & myself were joined in the men's race at Heaton Park for this one by Bryan Lawton, Simon Howard, Mark Heaney & Kevin Hutchings. Plus Brett Spivey rocked up at the last minute, so maintaining his reputation for (almost) missing the pre-race photo call.

I only know Lee as someone who always seems buoyant & talks to/encourages everyone in his path, but he was rattled by the mosquito bites on the legs. Anyone who has done parkrun here with the start by the lake will know about the mozzies, something else along with the daffs & snowdrops coming out earlier each year. Lee was gnat amused...

Simon didn’t look any the worse for wear, looking forward to completing this race to add to his mega-streak of at least 5K every day. He was planning a recce for the Saddleworth Ten Res's the following day as well!

Kirsty Agnew was the sole RRR female taking part - Ladies Captain Mandy Richardson would have competed if not injured but still came to support both teams. Thanks Mandy & well done on being so enthusiastic & pro-active in encouraging everyone to turn out for everything with your posts on the club’s Facebook page.

I had wondered if Mark Heaney would show up, as he is a Heaton Park regular, so it was good to chat to him. He’s coming back from a couple of injuries & he expected to run slower, but as always was cheerfully stoic.

I have done Heaton Park so many times now that I know what to expect. It is a hard track, especially if you are not race fit, carrying an injury or have not properly rested. The RRR men all clustered together at the start line behind a similar number of Bolton’s Burnden Road Runners, some of whom I have a nodding acquaintance with from Bolton parkrun & their local races.

The last race of this series always has a smaller field. At my pace, if the next guy is ahead of you by more than 50 metres then you are not going to see much of them as they will be over the rise, round the corner or in the woods & out of sight before you get there. So it was, with just me & 2 other runners trying to keep up with & get ahead of each other in our own race-within-a-race. Our trio became just the 2 of us for the final turn up the hill. Most of the way up, until the final 30 metres, I had just thought about staying on the shoulder of Andy the Lostock AC runner who I had been in lockstep with for the last 2K, but I do like to put in a final flourish if only to reassure myself that I had really made an effort to get into the red zone & not just coasted the whole race. So I sprinted for the line, spurred on by the sound of the other RRRs finishers shouting encouragement. It was a good buzz to get ahead of my race rival, but what struck me was how well he took me coming past him, being quick to congratulate me as we both acknowledged that we had helped push each other on. I also enjoyed the congratulations & fist bumps from my RRR teammates. 


I thought about Mandy & my own Bernadette (who is desperate to get back running again) who had shouted encouragement to all the RRR men as we rounded the tree at the top of the hill & Barry Greaves who had given encouragement further back on the course. Reflecting on this I thought about the race I did the previous Sunday, the Windy Hill Fell Race from The Ram’s Head on Oldham’s Ripponden Road. For the 1st time in 10 years of fell & trail running, as I remember, I stumbled & fell heavily with 3K to go. At least 2 runners ahead of me stopped on hearing my yelp & came back to help me up – so blowing up their own times - while others behind me also slowed down to ask if I was OK. I also thought about the Shaun Armstrong Memorial RRR Cup,  renamed after Shaun, & the competitive but friendly rivalry between club runners, noting the astonishing times posted in the matches which took place at Oldham parkrun earlier in the day.

Even though I don’t always enjoy my running, the last 2 weekends have reminded me of the strong feeling of fraternity & the bonds of friendship & mental well-being to be found in being a member of the running community & of a running club. The 2023-24 cross-country season is now over, but good luck to everyone who will be trying to avoid injuries & overcome setbacks to meet & exceed their own running challenges this year - from the couch to 50K and more!

I woke up on Sunday with my legs stiff and sore – from all those mozzie bites!  [Gary Smith] 



Hope, rebirth & new beginnings. The daffodil is the perfect name for the first club race of 2024. 


67 RRR members rocked up to Stockport for this season opener, which is now in its 3rd year & has already become a firm favourite with many from the club. Hence, it was voted back to the club calendar. We awoke from the training hibernation of winter, unsure how we would perform. For some, it was their 1st race; others hit milestones, some were returning to racing & a very healthy number of new members joined our 'blossoming' club. 


What's the Stockport Daffodil 10K route like? Mainly on the road, a small section of light trail before you head on to the A555 airport link road makes it somewhat unique as far as races go. So road shoes are the best option. It's relatively quick for those of us used to the Pennines, but there are a few nasty hills - especially at the very end. Carl O'Callaghan & Lee Earnshaw remarked about the long, steep drag from 5K to 7K. In fact, I can't repeat what they said, but it was colourful. Annalee Wilson also commented, "Time to get my arse back into training. Those hills felt brutal!" 


We welcomed new members for their 1st club race - William Wall, Mathew Reeves, James Moulton, Andrew Naismith, Karen Price & Billie Chamberlain, welcome aboard. We are delighted that you chose us & to see you wearing club colours. Also, welcome back to returning club members & those who haven't run with us for a while - Matt Kershaw (first race since 2019), 'our' Lee Higginbottom (2022), Jenny O'Callaghan (2020) surprised herself & Dave Leyland (2015). 


On to noteworthy performances. Well, this would be an epic book rather than a blog if I mentioned all the fantastic times recorded, so I apologise for missing those who achieved a 10K or course PB. In fact, David Emanuel - Deputy Chair & Communications Officer, who ran his best race for many a year and was 4th in the MV60 category - said that our 67 finishers are the most in a club race since the first Covid lockdown, the highest since 83 at the Dewsbury 10K in February 2020.

There were standout performances from Jarrod Gritt (1st RRR finisher & 5th place overall in his 1st club race since 2022), Shane Reading (20th overall & 2nd MV50), Bernard Goodwin (2nd MV55) & Maisie Wainwright (1st female RRR finisher & 11th female overall).

A quick Strava scan revealed several 10K PBs, including possibly the performance of the day from Mark Duncan in his 25th club race ("10K PB & over 8 mins quicker than last year"). Bryony Rogers said, "3 minutes quicker than last year." while Sarah Tomassi commented, "Stockport Daffodil 10k PB of just over 3 minutes. Happy with that!" & Lee Earnshaw reported "Stockport Daffodil 10K. Fastest 10K since 2009. Absolutely delighted with the run." Oliver Pozegic, John Fay & Anthony Rogers all reported new best 10K times, while Mark Phelan & Simon Howard achieved a course PB & Nicky Hall took a full 6 minutes off her time from last year. I (Andy Hall) also ran a PB for the distance ("Delighted & surprised with such a big 10K PB"). 

All the RRR finishing times: Dave Leyland (1:18:37), Karen Stuttard (1:13:43), Annalea Wilson (1:13:05), Hasna Budsworth (1:11:53), Alison Cresswell (1:10:47), Howard Mills (1:10:12), Andrew Chadwick (1:09:46), Kay England (1:09:14), Karen Rush (1:08:23), Nicky Hall (1:05:42), Angela Rogowskyj (1:05:41), Jenny O'Callaghan (1:05:22), Amanda Welby (1:05:07), Billie Chamberlain (1:04:44), Ronnie Quinn (1:04:27), Joanne Lawton (1:03:29), Karen Price (1:03:03), Elaine Brown (1:03:01), Paul Cooke (1:01:33), Bryony Jones (1:00:51), Dawn Speed (0:59:50), Sharon Dracup (0:59:35), Lee Higginbottom (0:58:25), Claire Timms (0:58:04), Stephen Rogowskyj (0:56:23), James Wright (0:55:10), Amanda Richardson (0:54:31), Andrew Naismith (0:53:49), Ray Williams (0:52:25), Bryony Rogers (0:51:46), Gail Shaw (0:50:25), Richard Dowd (0:50:04), Gary Smith (0:49:46), Kirsty Agnew (0:49:18), Eamonn Nolan (0:48:46), Rochelle Evans (0:47:25), Bryan Lawton (0:47:05), Bernard Cassidy (0:46:49), Simon Howard (0:46:24), Andrew Ingham (0:45:22), Dave Peart (0:45:20), Mark Phelan (0:45:12), Sarah Tomassi (0:45:06), Carl O'Callaghan (0:45:02), Lee Earnshaw (0:44:28), Adam Stirling (0:44:24), Matt Kershaw (0:44:20), Andy Hall (0:44:19), David Emanuel (0:44:14), Neil Brock (0:44:01), James Moulton (0:43:29), John Fay (0:43:10), Oliver Pozegic (0:43:06), Elliot Stone (0:43:02), Anthony Rogers (0:42:44), Maisie Wainwright (0:42:36), Mark Duncan (0:41:56), Brett Spivey (0:41:49), Bernard Goodwin (0:41:43), Adrian Brown (0:41:12), Martin Thompson (0:38:49), Mathew Reeves (0:37:46), Luke Lawson-Healey (0:37:35), William Wall (0:36:48), Shane Reading (0:36:46), James Henderson (0:36:36) & Jarrod Gritt (0:34:18).

Men's Captain James Henderson, who was delighted with not only his performance but for the whole club, said how impressed he was with the turnout & the fantastic performances, including our newer members showing such potential; the future is very bright for the yellow, green & white army from Royton. He said, "17th of 1312. Absolutely fantastic show from RRR - green & yellow everywhere - race season is OPEN." 

Women's Captain Mandy Richardson was equally pleased with her & the club's performance: "Great club run by all, amazing support with everyone passing".  


Tom Ogden, lead singer of Stockport band Blossoms, couldn't join us. However, he reportedly said, "I've run the Stockport Daffodil 10K with Your Girlfriend. Like in Real Life, I conquered the East & West parts of the course like King Charlemagne." He didn't say that (for legal reasons), but cool kids will appreciate the references... 


This is my first official race report as the RRR Press Officer & I'm delighted to celebrate a fantastic start to the 2024 season. Join me in thanking John Fay, who recommended me, for his service in the role.  [Andy Hall] 






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